
Wednesday, September 21, 2011


Hi people. I hope this new semester is going well, although I wouldn't really know because I am no longer in the area.  As I was the president and no one was able to replace me, Pride & Color is unfortunately no longer in action until otherwise noted.  That being said, if anyone in any of the Five Colleges (I'm looking at you UMASS) would like to restart the group, you are free to use this blog space or to ask me or Kenneth (the former president) any questions (use

In the meantime, please be aware of Amherst College's Pride Alliance and Queer Internationals and People of Color (Hampshire), as well as the UMASS Pride Alliance, although I like the vibe of Amherst College's counterpart better.  Other possible resources include True Colors (Mt. Holyoke) and maybe Familia (also Mt. Holyoke) if it's still running.  Also note Smith's LGBT resources page.

Finally, I was recently recommended a link to the book, "Gay, Straight, and the Reason Why: The Science of Sexual Orientation."  I haven't read it, but it may be worth your time.  I'm just guessing that Food for Thought Books might have it if you're interested in owning a copy.

Ok people, peace.

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