
Friday, December 24, 2010

"Pussy on High"

Hey, this is Bobby.  So the other day I was trying figure out how I could retain my masculinity without ever breaching the acclaimed hairy grounds of fairer kind, and after sketching out my feelings on my unfortunate vaginalessness, I realized how really meaningless are the norms of sexual achievement imposed on us by ourselves and our peers.  And just to clarify, when I say "us" I mean Ehhv-ver-y-bo-day.

The text reads:
"Looking at this and trying to convey the feeling that the pussy is the goal, the golden standard by which if you are a man you must live, trying to show that it is a serious rite of masculinity, I realize it's hard to convey these guys as anything but smiling idiots because that's just what they are; smiling idiots who've named their recreation serious and real and meaningful.  It's just a disguise for men prancing around a giant pussy in a cup."

In summary, we are all individuals with the right to want what we want and not to be criticized if these wants do not fall within the norms of societies.  Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, whatever is relevant to you.

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